Termite Damage in Los Angeles County CA

Don’t let termite damage in Los Angeles County CA progress unchecked! Contact Escocia Termite for effective termite control services

According to the National Pest Management Association, termites do an estimated $5 billion in property damage each and every year. Under the right conditions, any residential or commercial property, old or new, can suffer from an infestation leading to significant termite damage in Los Angeles County CA. Fortunately, a professionally licensed and bonded termite control company like Escocia Termite can help you repair existing termite damage and also prevent future damage.

Stop Termites in their Tracks

Termites eat constantly and reproduce quickly, meaning a few individuals can quickly multiply to the point where they are causing tremendous amounts of damage to your property. In order to effectively control termites and prevent this kind of damage, it’s important to be vigilant about termite inspection and control activities. You can get started by contacting Escocia Termite for a professional termite inspection. We look for all kinds of termite infestations, paying particular attention to damp or hidden areas that are especially prone to termite damage in Los Angeles County CA. Our inspections can be scheduled on the same day you call, on a weekend, or even set up on an annual basis. If the inspector finds evidence of termites, we can react swiftly to kill the colony using some of these treatments:

  • Vikane Gas Fumigation
  • XT 2000 Orange Oil Plus
  • Local Termite Treatments

Not sure which treatment is best? Our termite control specialists will be happy to explain how these treatments work and recommend the most effective service or services for your needs.

Repair Termite Damage in Los Angeles County CA

Termite damage in Los Angeles County CA can be difficult for the layperson to detect, but it still poses significant safety hazards. Fortunately, Escocia Termite can not only identify termite damage to structural wood but also repair termite damage. With us on the job, you can immediately move from the extermination phase of the job to the repair phase, without having to worry about getting additional bids and vetting new contractors. Once we have replaced all the damaged wood and primed it, we will also lay out bait or deterrents to prevent termites from coming back.

Ready to Repair & Prevent Termite Damage?

Please contact us now to learn more about our services and/or schedule an initial termite inspection.


(866) 372-6242

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM

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